
Growing Revenue
Revenue, itself, is a result - an outcome of the design, implementation and execution of multiple drivers including
- Market & Competitor Insights
- Integrated Strategic Planning
- Regardless of the size of the company, growing revenue is both a science and an art. ct / Service Development & Management
- Branding, Positioning, Pricing, Promotion, Packaging, Placement
- Lead Generation Strategy & Tactics (Traditional and/or Digital)
- Go-to-Market Strategy
- Channel & Customer Planning
- Operations, Logistics and Service Delivery Planning & Execution
- Sales Training, Planning, Execution
- Account Management
- Customer Experience Management
The degree to which each of these are executed critically depends on
- Leadership & management effectiveness
- Right talent in the right roles with clearly defined responsibilitites & accountability
- Consistent and clear, cross-functional communication routines
- Consistent management routines
- Strong employee engagement
- Company culture supportive of vision, mission and values
- Cross-functional alignment of objectives, goals, strategies, metrics and tactics

Growing Profit
The objective of any business in a capitalist economy is to make money or profits. Anyone can produce a good or service and sell it, but it's another thing entirely to sell it profitably on a sustainable basis. The profitability of a company is the ultimate measure of how well the company is operating as well as of the health of the organization.

- Bad pricing
- Over- or under-staffed
- Bad hires
- Inaccurate forecasts
- Lack of follow-up
- Shoddy planning
- Unhealthy company culture
- Poor on-boarding process
- Lack of or selective accountability
- Lack of consistent utilization of CRM
- Poor employee engagement
- Bad or off-target product / service offerings
- Poor understanding of roles, responsibilities and accountabilities
- People in the wrong roles with the wrong skills and/or talents
- People doing other people’s jobs or components of their jobs
- Lack of clear, concise, and consistent cross-functional communication
- Lack of clarity & understanding of product and customer profitability
- No openly available company-wide operating calendar
- Lack of insight into marketing spending performance
- Lack of or inconsistency in measuring the metrics that matter (or measuring the wrong things)
- No or ineffective management dashboards
- No or inconsistent standardized management routines
- Overly-bureaucratic operating processes (excessive reviews/approvals)
- Lack of well-defined, communicated and understood operating processes
- Little to no performance feedback from supervisors
- Inaccurate or lack of a rolling 13-week cash-flow forecast
- Lack of formal employee reward & recognition program
- Inconsistent enforcement of company policies & procedures
- Lack of operating standards and/or service levels
- Lack of a mechanism for employees to surface ideas
- Doing things a certain way because that’s how it’s always been done
- Poor understanding of company vision, mission & values
- Inconsistent Sales processes, tools and techniques
- “Shoot-from-the-hip” Decision Making (non-inclusive or not fact-based)
- Excessive or unscrutinized SG&A spending
- Wrong assumptions made during planning
- Favoritism (or perception thereof among employees)
Optimizing ROI
Far too many companies today fail to quantitatively assess the ROI of potential investments and potential business performance improvement initiatives. The problem is particularly acute when the investment involves a “soft” business initiative such as a “Safety Improvement” initiative, an “Employee Wellness” program, or a “Sales Incentive” program (most common).
Within many companies, managers leave “Measuring the ROI” of an investment to the finance team or to the CFO, since ROI is a financially-oriented measurement. Companies that institutionalize the concept of ROI, and even ROA, will have a distinct and clear competitive advantage over those that don’t. Imagine how powerful your company would be if every manager presented ideas, initiatives, and investments in both qualitative AND quantitative terms. Leaders would be far more efficient optimizing the deployment of capital and the returns thereof.
Some companies that do measure ROI of investment opportunities assess it too simplistically by only considering incremental return divided by incremental cost. The problem with this simplistic approach is it fails to take into account a holistic impact of an initiative / investment on the entire company. In other words, it yields a FALSE ROI resulting in poor decision making.
Furthermore, the Incentive Research Foundation asserts that approximately 80%-85% of companies utilize some sort of incentive program to drive behavioral changes and, therefore, to improve business results; yet, only 15% of those companies routinely measure the ROI of those incentive programs.
Agility Growth Partners embraces the concept of measuring the TrueROI of any business performance improvement initiative, and managing the initiative proactively so as to maximize the initiative’s ROI through the program’s duration.
ROIpro is Agility Growth Partners’ proprietary SaaS program that over 860 company initiative programs, from 1992 to date, have utilized to measure, monitor and optimize the program’s ROI. We’re proud of the fact that 100% of those programs resulted in a positive incremental ROI! Simply stated, the incentive program paid for itself AND generated incremental positive profits as a direct result of the investment program.
ROIpro is a self-guided, user-friendly, cloud-based model that proactively measures the impact of an investment initiative across the enterprise and generates an expected return on that investment. It’s usefulness doesn’t end there, however. It also provides the user with competitive benchmarks indicating how much a company could stand to gain in “Good”, “Better”, and “Best” scenarios by moving forward with the investment and managing it proactively. This kind of competitive benchmark data typically costs companies tens of thousands of dollars itself, thereby making the investment in a license for ROIpro a great value!
For more information on ROIpro, please visit
Our Process
Our proprietary Growth Generation Methodology consists of three core phases
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